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Curly Hair

My hair is curly now.

I’ve been told it’s probably from the kids—

That your hair changes nearly every 7 years.

So suddenly it transformed and felt like my entire appearance followed.

It’s no longer straight or predictable,

Easily maintained,

Hardly disturbed by sleep,

Tossed up into a sleek ponytail I pull over my shoulder—

It’s wild and wavy and nearly untamable at times.

I have to shop for hair products now and you know how much I hate doing that.

A lifetime of loving that straight hair just so it could rebel,

curl up and stick out from my head like it’s trying to spite me.

As though I had been caring for it wrong this whole time.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, every now and then when I miss my old self

I find the time to will it back again.

A few stubborn waves still linger and

for a second I look like how you might remember me now—

straight-haired and reprehensible.

But I’m also saying that it’s been years since you’ve looked at me,

because my hair has changed and

it feels odd to suddenly outgrow a memory and wear my curly hair out

like a disguise.

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